2nd MGMA Members’ Day

2nd MGMA Members’ Day
In purpose of maintaining the closer communication among members as well as between members and the association, Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) held its 2nd MGMA Members’ Day on 23rd May 2019 at Sedona Hotel. It was attended by MGMA Vice-chairmen Dr. Aung Win and U Kyaw Win, Secretary General Daw Khine Khine Nwe, Joint Secretaries, EC members, CEC members and owners, managing directors and top level management officers from MGMA member factories.
MGMA Vice Chairman Dr. Aung Win gave opening speech and Secretary General Daw Khine Khine Nwe spoke about current situation of the garment industry and shared information about GSP EBA which is what CMP businesses are concerned about. Labour Officer U Min Soe Han presented current position of Employers’ Package which was officially launched in 1st MGMA Members’ Day on 12th Jan 2019.
In the panel session after coffee break, Vice Chairman U Kay Win, Secretary General Daw Khine Khine Nwe, members of CEC U Tun Tun and U Aung Myo Hein well addressed the questions from the audience before the event ended.
MGMA 2nd Members’ day were successfully presented by the sponsors of TUV Rheinland, Fair Wear Foundation, AYA Bank and Myanmar DHL Ltd