2nd Myanmar Textile Summit 2018

2nd Myanmar Textile Summit 2018
Dear Valuable MGMA’s Member,
Myanmar Garments Manufacturer Association, MGMA presents its compliments to you and your factory.
MGMA is proud to organize together with ECV International Shanghai the 2nd Myanmar Textile Summit 2018. We would kindly invite you to this summit which will highlight following areas:
- Deep Interpretation of the latest government policies and masterplan of Textile and Apparel Industry in Myanmar
- Growing Cross for Textile and Apparel Trading: How Myanmar prepares for FTA
- Myanmar Labour Law Reform Process and discover Myanmar’s Sourcing Competitiveness
- Key legal and regulatory considerations related to the Textile and Apparel Industry for Foreign Investors
- New features of sourcing in Myanmar in comparison to other countries in Southeast Asia
- Present situation and future evolutions of infrastructures in Myanmar
- Outlook on the situation in regards to sector developments and trends in Myanmar as a sourcing market for European Textile and Apparel Brands
- How Myanmar Textile and Apparel Manufacturers plays an important role in South Asia addressing Labor, Productivity and the role of technology in driving Myanmar’s Competitiveness
- Many interesting panel discussions with professional speakers on following programme:
Date: 12-13 November, 2018 (Two days event)
Time: 8:30AM onwards, Please see the agenda
Venue: Sedona Hotel Yangon (Grand Ballroom)
No. 1, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Registration: The participation fees of USD100 for our MGMA member only and non-member needs to contact the organizer of ECV International.
We warmly welcome to Myanmar Textile Summit 2018 and looking forward to your much-valued participation.
Please bring the business card to the event for admission with the registion ticket.
For registration and payment, please contact to:
Nang Phyo Pyae Zin
Junior Project Manager
Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA)
01-2314829,01-2300253 Ext- 11, 09-254339246
No.29, Min Ye Kyaw Swar Street,
Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Invitation Letter Download Here Invitation Letter (English)and Invitation Letter (Myanmar)
Agenda Download Here Textile Summit Agenda (English) and Textile Summit Agenda (Myanmar)