5th MGMA Annual General Meeting(11 May 2019)

5th MGMA Annual General Meeting
Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association, MGMA held its 5th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 11th May 2019 in Mingalar Hall, 2nd Floor, UMFCCI in Yangon. The AGM was attended by Ministry of Commerce- Deputy Minister U Aung Htoo, Ministry of Industry – Managing Director U Thein Han, Rector of Yangon Technology University – Dr. Myint Thein, Insein GTI of Principal – U Myat Ko, Chairman of UMFCCI- U Zaw Min Win , Chairman, Vice Chairmen, Secretary General, Joint-Secretaries, members of CEC and EC of MGMA, representatives from MGMA member factories and other dignitaries.
U Myint Soe, Chairman of MGMA mentioned current activities of the association in his welcome speech. Deputy Minister of MOC, U Aung Htoo praised the success of “fully online license system” in his speech and U Zaw Min Win, UMFCCI Chairman also gave his speeches. Secretary General of MGMA, Daw Khine Khine Nwe reported current activities and read out fiscal year’s financial account and current budget. Then the event was successfully wrapped up by unanimous consensus of MGMA Members.