8th MGMA Annual General Meeting

8th Annual General Meeting of Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) was held on 22nd June 2024 at Melia Hotel Yangon, Grand Ballroom.
In the meeting, MGMA’s Chairman U Myint Soe delivered welcome speech and Chairman of UMFCCI U Aye Win gave opening remark. Secretary General of MGMA Daw Khine Khine Nwe presented the MGMA annual report (2023 – 2024) activities by executive committees and financial report of 2022-2023. Afterward, Secretary of Election Commission U Soe Naing announced the names of the executive members of MGMA who will be taking responsibility for 2024-2027 and then Chairman of MGMA U Myint Soe gave concluding remarks. The meeting attended by Patron, Chairman of UMFCCI, Chairman, Vice-Chairmen, Secretary General and CEC-EC members of MGMA, foreign garment cluster association members in Myanmar and owner and representatives from member factories to the event and take group photo in the final wrap up. Titan Solar & MEP System Myanmar is supported to this event and explained their products and services to members.