Don’t Miss Upcoming June Events

On June 20th MGMA is hosting experts from TÜV SÜD for a seminar on the “Restricted Substances List in Apparel Industries – Introduction & Current Trends“. See attached flyer (Myanmar language). This training will be in English with simultaneous translation to Myanmar. Myanmar slides will also be available. This course is useful for factory Quality Control Managers and Factory Managers & Owners.
Also, the 4th Annual Garment & Textile Machinery Exhibition will be taking place from June 26th to June 29th (9:00am-5pm). All visitors are welcome to participate in this event at Myanmar Event Park.
On June 26th from 6pm-8:30pm MGMA is hosting a networking reception at Padonmar Restaurant for any companies interested in business-to-business linkages. Tickets are on sale in the MGMA office. You may also RSVP and pay for your ticket at the door by emailing [email protected] or by calling MGMA at +95 1-214829. Participating companies include a couple dozen garment factories, several brands and various suppliers.