Garment Industrial Engineering Workshop

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) organized the Garment Industrial Engineering Workshop at Dakhina Building, (1st Floor), Insein (GTI), Yangon on 28 October 2019. Daw Khine Khine Nwe (MGMA’s General Secretary) started speech the welcoming message and Professor Dr. Myint Thein (Rector of Yangon Technology University) gave opening speech to all participants. The aim of workshop is that the role and important of garment sectors and sharing the knowledge of garment to all participants. U Myat Ko (Principal of GTI), Head and Professors from YTU, WYTU and TU (Monywa), MGMA’s CECs, tutor – 8 persons and student -18 persons total – 26 from YTU, WYTU and TU (Monywa). MOE Teachers and MGHRDC’s staffs were attended in this workshop.