Industrial Engineering Training (Batch – 79)

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) organized Industrial Engineering in garment industry (10 days) Training (Batch – 79) was held from February 19th to March 1st , 2024 at Myanmar Garment Human Resources Development Center (MGHRDC).
The training was organized the purpose of increasing and qualified production in garment factories and the training was taught by MGHRDC trainers who have several years of experience in conducting operators and Industrial Engineering in garment factories trainings with factory practice and group presentation.
Participants visited Star Sandar Garment and General Economic Co-op Society Ltd for three days as factory practice. The information from factory practice was presented to two group as group presentation.
Executive Committee of MGMA U Ye Khant gave closing remarks and awarded certificates. Total (21) participants from MGMA’s member factories attended the training.