Mandalay Region Garment Manufacturers Association (2023-2026) 2nd Executive Committee Election

MGMA supported MRGMA as an affiliated association to become a regional level association, and provides great support and guidance towards sustainable development for a stronger association.
Mandalay Region Garment Manufacturers Association (MRGMA) was established in 2020 with (12 ) Central Executive Committee members and (3) Executive Committee Members to develop garment sector in Mandalay region effectively.
Mandalay Region Garment Manufacturers Association (2023-2026), 2nd Executive Committee Election was held on 25th February, 2023 at Hotel Mandalay with supervision of election commission, organized by MGMA and MRCCI.
Firstly, Patron of MRGMA U Soe Myint delivered opening speech and then Election Commission Chairman U Kyaw Win explained step-by-step election process and rules. After that, Secretary of Election Commission U Tun Tun presented the name of the executives committee members who applied for 3 years terms (2023-2026).
Election Commission members were elected Central Executives Committee and Management Committee members and announced the elected name list of CEC/ECs for the years 2023-2026. The election event attended by Members of the Election Commission, MGMA and Executive Committee Member of MRGMA and took group photo in the final wrap up.