MGMA’s 3rd Annual Factory Awards Dinner

The MGMA is pleased to once again organize the largest annual business networking event for the Myanmar garment industry. Factories will be honored for achievements in social compliance and manufacturing excellence.
When is it?
Saturday, November 19th
Who is it for?
Hundreds of investors and managers from garment factories, logistics companies, international brands & fashion retailers and other industry service providers.
How much do tickets cost?
20,000 kyats for all MGMA members
35,000 kyats for non-members
With all tickets, buy 4 and get the 5th free!
Where is it?
Rose Garden Hotel Grand Ballroom
#171 Upper Pansodan Street, Yangon
Tickets on sale now at the MGMA office! Or, contact [email protected] to RSVP.
Poster for MGMA’s 3rd Annual Factory Awards Dinner