Mobile Healthcare Service to Garment Workers

Mobile Healthcare Service to garment workers were held on 6-12-13-19-20-26-27 August, 2022 at MGMA members’ pilot factories, supported by UNICEF Myanmar.
Garment workers screened for blood test for diabetes, measure of blood oxygen saturation, weight measurement, height measurement, workers were consult to workers like contraceptive counseling, health education for early antenatal care and prescribe them with necessary medicines and supplements by experienced medical doctor team. Also refer the workers with concerned health issues to specialists for further counseling if necessary.
Total (126) workers from CNM Garment Industrial Limited were screened on 6-13 August, total (101) workers from Hyatt Knitwear Co.,Ltd screened on 12-13 August and total (274) workers from Star Sandar Garment and General Economic Co-op Society Ltd screened on 19-20-26-27 August This mobile healthcare service organized by MGMA to be upgrade living conditions of garment workers. In addition, MGMA distributed pamphlets for pregnant women and nutrition bowl to workers.