The following checklist enables investors to navigate themselves which investment procedure—MIC Permit or Endorsement—they will need to undergo or not through either of these procedures. Based on the detailed information of the investors’ project, they can check the project according to the screening checklist, the detailed stipulations in the MIL and related Rules and Notifications and know which procedure will apply to their proposed project, at which institutions they should submit the project to and for which procedures (e.g. to MIC for MIC Permit or Endorsement, or to Region/State Investment Committee in Regions/States for Endorsement).

By checking the project according to the navigation checklist, investors should also read the relevant sections of the Law, Rules and Notifications. The result of this navigation process is mainly for the use of the investors when working on their project proposals. In most case, it is advisable that investors should start with the step of inquiring information from the related Investment Division at DICA or from the Region/State DICA Office. MIC will issue a non-binding guidance on whether the investor needs to apply for a permit and if incentives are available.