Occupational Safety & Health Management System In-Factory Training (One Day Training)

Occupational Safety & Health Management System In-Factory Training (One Day Training) was held on March 11, 2025 at Famoso Clothing Co., Ltd, organized by Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA).
Senior Labour Officer of MGMA U Min Soe Han gave opening remarks. In this training, Labour Officers from MGMA presented Basic concepts of Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Safety and Health Laws, Roles & Responsibilities, Workplace Hazards and Prevention in Garment Industry, Risk Management System, Occupational cleanliness and waste management, Occupational safety and Health Management System, Emergency Preparedness, Fire Safety, Electrical Safety, Chemical Safety, Occupational Health Hazards and ways to prevent, Building Good habits/Practices & Auditing with open discussion and Q&A session.
Senior Labour Officer of MGMA U Min Soe Han gave closing remarks and awarding certificates. Total (17) OSH committee members and staffs from Famoso Clothing Co., Ltd were attended the training.