Practical Application of Human Resource Management Workshop (Batch – 2)

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association organized Practical Application of Human Resource Management Workshop (Batch – 2) on May 18 to 20, 2022 at MGHRDC, supported by LIFT donors. Managing Director of MGMA Daw Aye Mi Shein gave opening remarks and thanks to active participation.
The objective of this training is to understand how human resource management can improve the quality of work life and lead change.
In the training, learning outline as HRM and organizational strategy, Recruitment, Selection, Introduction of employee, Employee Management and relationships, Employee Support, Training & Development were lecture by Daw Nyunt Theingi Htwe (Founder and Consultant from Future Development Initiative Learning Hub). The participants were involved actively in group work and energizer game.
The training was attended by (26) participants from member factories. Executive Committee of MGMA, U Ye Khant gave closing remarks and awarded certificates.