Practical Application of Human Resource Management Workshop Batch – 3

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Associations (MGMA) organized “ Practical Application of Human Resource Management Workshop Batch – 3” on 2022, August 17 to 19 at MGHRDC for three days workshop, supported by LIFT Myanmar.
The purpose of this training is to equip conceptual and practical skills to the participants who are committed to be negotiators in their respective companies and to understand basic concept of human resources management and how to build overall an organization’s capacity.
Managing Director of MGMA, Daw Aye Mi Shein gave opening remarks to participants. In the training, Daw Nyunt Theingi Htwe ( Human Resource Experts, Founder and Consultant from Future Developments Initiative Learning Hub) lectured learning outline as HRM and organizational strategy, Recruitment and Selection of employee, Orientation and Onboarding, Establishing a salary structure, Employee engagement and Team building, Organization & Employment Policy & Procedure, Workforce Planning & HR Budgeting, Performance Management, Reward and Recognition .
Central Executive Committee of MGMA, U Thein Pe Win gave closing remarks and awarded certificates. Total (31) participants from members’ factories were active participated to the training.