PSEA Internal Training

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation & Abuse (PSEA) Internal Training took place on March 25, 2022 at MGMA meeting room, organized by Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA). The Managing Director of MGMA, Daw Aye Mi Shein gave opening remarks to staffs joined from MGMA and MGHRC via zoom platform. She briefs that the garment sector is labor-intensive sector and PSEA training is the internal awareness program for MGMA staffs. The objective of this training is well-known definition of PSEA, 6 core principles and able to clearly define Sexual Exploitation and Abuse vs Gender Based Violence. The Project Manager of MGMA, Nang Phyo Pyae Zin lectured by the understanding PSEA, GBV and Sexual Harassment, what is Safe Guarding, Six core principle of PSEA with exercise, quiz and Q & A session. (16) staffs from MGMA attended in person to the training and (7) staffs from MGHRDC were joined by zoom application.