Upcoming events & seminars

There are several exciting events coming up which have been co-organized by the MGMA. All MGMA members are welcome. Upcoming events include:
- “Increasing product value + saving resources with environmental labels & sustainable approaches” – a seminar hosted by SMART Myanmar featuring Dr. Christina Raab from Made-by.org and Julia Bakutis from H&M. Event details: June 17th, 2pm-5pm at Taw Win Garden Hotel. *free-of-charge* RSVP by contacting: [email protected]
Environmental labels & sustainable approaches (Myanmar language flyer)
Environmental labels & sustainable approaches (English)
- The “5th Annual Garment & Textile Machinery Exhibition” at Myanmar Event Park from June 24th-June 27th. This event is organized by Yorkers and the MGMA. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. *free-of-charge*
- The 2nd Annual “Monsoon Meet-up“ business networking evening on June 25th from 5pm-7:30pm. This is the 2nd largest event of the year for business networking across the Myanmar garment industry. Tickets are on sale now in the MGMA office. Last year’s event gathered 150 inviduals from about 80 different companies (factories, retailers, machine suppliers, etc). This event is organized by the MGMA and sponsored by Yorkers. Email [email protected] or call the MGMA office to reserve your ticket.
- Later in the year, on November 19th, the MGMA will be hosting our largest annual networking event: The 3rd Annual MGMA Factory Awards Dinner. Sponsorship opportunities are still available for interested companies and event tickets are on sale in the MGMA office starting from late June. Last year’s awards dinner had approx. 250 guests, including factories and service providers from across the entire Myanmar garment industry.
Companies at last year’s “Monsoon Meet-up” business networking event.